The doors that are used mainly in pharmaceutical and research facilities are the ones that are hygienic and suitable for the sterile environment use.
MRC Doors presents hygienic doors for pharmaceutical, cleanrooms ,research laboratories, biotechnology and life-sciences.
These pharmaceutical doors play an essential role in preventing cross-contamination and maintaining correct room pressures. MRC Doors are apt for Pharma related applications due to its smooth, seamless and robust finish

MRC Doors have close to 30 plus years of experience in pharmaceutical and allied industries. We understand what works for you and what doesn't. We understand hygiene environments more than anyone else. With our excellent project management skills, we Design, Plan, Manufacture and Install these doors with ease.
At #MRCDoors, we build doors that last. The search for your #doorsupplier ends here!
Please visit our website www.mrc-doors.com to know more details or you can also write to us at enquiries@mrc-doors.com